Port fittings are obstructing the piston
Check thread length of port fittings.Fittings should during stroke not reach inside the housing bore.
Twisted or chipped gear teeth
Check for gear binding.Actuator may not be able to be re-built and may need to be replaced.Damage could be a result of overload or shock.
Air in actuator
Swollen seals and composite bearings caused by incompatible hydraulic fluid (standard actuators only)
Re-build the actuator.Use fluid that is compatible with seals and bearings.Contact Chiyu Corporation for more information.
Corrosion build-up on the thrust surfaces
Re-build the actuator.Remove all rust then polish.
Piston and/or shaft seal leak
Remove the plug and the housing's valve ports.Operate the actuator through the housing ports.Conduct the internal leakage test as described in the Testing section.
Control or counterbalance valve has internal leak
Disconnect hydraulic lines and bypass valve.Leave valve ports open and operate the actuator through housing ports(do not exceed operating pressure).The valve must be replaced if a steady flow of fluid is seen coming from the valve ports.
Low rate of fluid flow
Inspect ports for obstructions and hydraulic lines for restrictions and leaks.
Insufficient torque output
Verify correct operating pressure.Do not exceed the pressure specifications. Load may be above maximum load capacity of the actuator.