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Welcome to our official website!

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You can always rely on getting a quality product with CHIU. Our objective is that we convincingly implement the possible functions for your daily use. If you need support, our Service-Team helps you personally and quickly. We offer this service globally.

Since every CHIU product is individually designed and manufactured for you, we know exactly which parts were used. Should you therefore need details about any of our products, we can quickly provide assistance and replace parts quickly. Our sales and service team will be happy to advise you also in any matter.

Our CHIU Rotary Actuator is guaranteed for one year. If there is any problem during the use period, our technical team will help you. Beyond the warranty period, we are also happy to solve your problems.We attach great importance to the fact that you are satisfied with our products.

Meet our team of experts!

Contact us, we will be delighted to help you!

Our sales and service team will be 

happy to offer any suggestions you 

may have.

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   China,Changsha, Renmin Road 2D(E)169
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